Our products are carefully packaged to avoid any breakage. A tracking number will be sent to you for each order, except for packages weighing less than 1 kg sent as Mini-Max letters without tracking. If, despite all our efforts, an incident occurs, please contact our customer service to find a mutually beneficial solution. The average delivery time is 1-4 business days.
Some destinations may require a delay of up to 120 hours. In case of emergency, we can offer express delivery by Chronopost (next day delivery to your home before 1 PM). Contact us for a quote. We are currently unable to deliver to Corsica and the DOM-TOM. By check: Write a check payable to Power-Manutention.We will ship your order upon receipt of the check. You can consult our T&Cs (Terms and Conditions of Sale). In case of technical problems or for any warranty claims, we invite you to contact our technical service directly at. Our company specializes in the sale of batteries and handling equipment.
We offer a wide range of batteries at unbeatable prices. You will find batteries for your alarm, toy, car, camper, boat... Our goal is to provide you with a quality product at the best price. We are located in France, as is our stock. Thanks to our many partners, we can offer you a wide selection of products.
We are available for any additional information. 03 88 48 66 60.