Compatible battery for Dell Latitude E6230 HJ474 J79X4 11.1V 5200mAh New warranty: 6 months Compatible for Dell Latitude E6120 Latitude E6220 Latitude E6230 Latitude E6320 Latitude E6320 XFR Latitude E6330 Latitude E6430S. Attention to buyers to consider before validating. A 100% compatible part from a different brand will be sent if the exact model described in the advertisement is not available in stock at the time of sale.
We suggest buying the part that corresponds to both the reference of your original part and the complete model number of your laptop. You can find the part number on the original label and the laptop number on the labels located under it or in the battery compartment. Sometimes, an identical model or identical series can use different parts, different power, and different connector type.Please make sure the specifications are the same before validating the purchase. Orders received with an authorized payment before 1 pm (UTC/GMT +1 hour, Paris time) will be shipped the same day (except weekends and holidays, shipped within 24 hours on the next business day at the latest). Orders received after 2 pm may be shipped the same day or on the next business day at the latest.
We will not be able to change your delivery address after receiving the order. If you select express shipping service, please make sure your address and phone number are updated.If the address or phone number is incorrect, the customer will be responsible for delays and additional costs in case of order processing and specific buyer recommendations. We use an automated order processing system to speed up the shipping process. The delivery note is automatically and systematically included in the package. If you have a special request, please send it before placing an order and wait for our confirmation.
We offer tracked shipping for all orders to metropolitan France. Detached is offered for overseas territories as well and charged €5.99 for the rest of the world. A larger item battery, keyboard, etc.
I ordered and paid for the item, and I now want to send it to a different address. Once you have placed an order, we cannot change your delivery address.
Please do not request a change of address after placing an order. How can I change the delivery address? Place an order, then choose your new delivery address during checkout. I just bought the item, and I no longer need it or I bought the wrong item. Can you cancel or delete the order right away? We will do our best to cancel or stop the preparation of the order if it is still possible. Indeed, we have an automated order processing system, and your request may come in while the order is already being processed, even if it is not yet visible on the site. We will respond to messages in the order they are received, and priority will be given to cancellation requests.A cancellation request with the subject "About: Item" or "I have a question about using the item" cannot be processed. Please do not send multiple messages, as this increases the response time for both you and other customers.
We will be happy to assist you. What is and what is not covered by the warranty? The warranty covers manufacturing defects as well as technical defects and defective items upon arrival. This warranty excludes any damage or mishandling caused by the user, misuse, as well as normal wear and tear. What happens if the goods are damaged during transport?
Please carefully check your products upon delivery. If the package is damaged, you must inform the delivery person and mention a damaged package or check the "Unchecked" box when signing for delivery. If you have received damaged goods during transport, you must notify us within 48 hours of delivery. We will not accept any claims for damages outside of this timeframe. I ordered an item, and I no longer need it.Can I return it to you and get a refund? We accept returns for refunds within 30 days. It is the buyer's responsibility to pay for the return fees. The item has a manufacturing defect, how can we proceed now?
Return instructions will be provided to you. If you are returning the item, you must send it back with a copy of the invoice/delivery note and indicate the reason for the return. It is the customer's responsibility to pay for the return fees regardless of the reason.
Customer satisfaction is important to us, and we strive to provide quality products and services. If you have any other questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us beforehand. We will do our best to provide a quick solution to your problem.
We are open to suggestions to improve our services, and we ask you to give us the opportunity to help you before leaving negative or neutral feedback.